About Juliet Ekinaka

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So far Juliet Ekinaka has created 60 blog entries.

Arbor Day in California – Celebrating our Towering Trees

Today is a good day to hug a tree, in fact, what better way to celebrate Arbor Day? Our universal love of trees explains why almost every country in the world celebrates its version of Arbor Day and like each [...]

Arbor Day in California – Celebrating our Towering Trees2020-03-12T10:19:12-07:00

Coalition Shares Ideas on Sponsorship with Great Park Board of Directors

The Great Park is seeking paid sponsorships for elements of the park. At the last Great Park meeting, Garden Coalition board member Mike Stockstill asked the board and staff to consider seeking sponsorships for elements of the future public garden [...]

Coalition Shares Ideas on Sponsorship with Great Park Board of Directors2020-03-03T10:27:55-08:00

What to do in your Orange County Garden during the month of February

Many of you may have noticed it’s beginning to feel like spring especially in the garden. Another clue spring is close is the abundance of seed catalogs arriving in the mail, that’s because February is a good month to order [...]

What to do in your Orange County Garden during the month of February2020-02-18T10:09:21-08:00

A Garden that Offers an Illuminating and Sensory Experience

We all have enjoyed the visually stunning displays of flowers, plants, and trees that gardens offer.  If we are lucky, our visits to gardens can leave us inspired and feeling creative.  Such inspiration brought a unique garden and art attraction [...]

A Garden that Offers an Illuminating and Sensory Experience2020-02-06T13:09:12-08:00

Birding at the Orange County Great Park/Reflecting Ponds Loop

Bird watching at the Orange County Great Park? You bet! It may look like soccer fields and tennis courts, but our feathery friends have made their home in the middle of all the action. Even open spaces designed for cars [...]

Birding at the Orange County Great Park/Reflecting Ponds Loop2020-02-06T10:54:46-08:00

6 Bird-friendly Botanic Gardens, Coast to Coast!

Botanical gardens are birding hotspots! Avid birders flock to botanical gardens worldwide eager to catch a glimpse of rare or seasonal specialties. Annual Birding Festivals boost the local economy and engage the community in the need for conservation. We envision [...]

6 Bird-friendly Botanic Gardens, Coast to Coast!2020-01-22T08:34:21-08:00

2019 – What a Year! 2020 – Let’s Plan a Garden!

As 2019 comes to a close, we have a lot to celebrate!  The culmination of almost three years of public advocacy to keep a botanical garden at the Great Park resulted in the identification of a site for the Great [...]

2019 – What a Year! 2020 – Let’s Plan a Garden!2020-01-02T11:02:07-08:00

Giving Back while you Shop with Amazon Smile and The GPGC!

Looking for a way to give back while you shop? Amazon Smile has made this happen! With the holiday season upon us, it's shopping and gift-giving time! Did you know that you can shop and help support the Great Park [...]

Giving Back while you Shop with Amazon Smile and The GPGC!2019-11-30T06:31:14-08:00
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